Crashed The Wedding從字面上看就是毀了婚禮的意思,中文翻成新郎不是我。
最愛當然還是這首Crashed The Wedding囉!以下是本人不負責任憑感覺翻譯。
Crashed The Wedding                     Artist:Busted
I'm so rushed off my feet

Looking for Gordon Street  我瘋狂的奔跑著尋找高登街

So much I need to say

I'm sorry that it's on her wedding day  想說的話太多,但是我很抱歉在她婚禮上這麼做

Cos she's so right for me

Her daddy disagrees  雖然她是這麼適合我,但是她老爸卻不同意

He's always hated me

Because I never got a J-O-B 因為我沒有工作所以他絕對不可能喜歡我

Cos she's mine

#And I'm glad I crashed the wedding  因為她是我的,而我很慶幸我毀了這場婚禮

It's better than regretting

I could have been a loser kid

Who ran away and hid 這總比後悔我差點失去小孩好

But it's the best thing that I ever did

Cos true love lasts forever 因此真愛可以永存這是我做過最對的事了

And now we're back together

As if he never met her 現在我們又在一起了,彷彿他沒有遇見她

So looking back

I'm glad I crashed the wedding# 現在回頭想想,我實在是太高興我毀了那場婚禮了

The neighbours spread the word

And my mom cried when she heard  我媽聽到鄰居傳回來的消息大哭

I'd stole my girl away

From everybody gathered there that day 我在所有人都聚集的那天偷走了我的女孩

Just in time

#And I'm glad I crashed the wedding 還好我夠及時毀了那場婚禮
It's better than regretting
I could have been a loser kid
Who ran away and hid
I said I'd do it and I did
Cos true love lasts forever
And now we're back together
As if he never met her
So looking back
I'm glad I crashed the wedding#

Don't waste time being

Mad at me for taking her away   別浪費時間恨我把她帶走

Cos anyway she didn't wanna stay

So please believe me when I say 

She's glad I crashed the wedding 因為她根本不想待在那裡,所以請相信我說的:她很高興我毀了這場婚禮

*It's better than regretting

The ring she got was lame 這總比後悔她戴上那個差勁的戒指好

She couldn't take the pain

She didn't wanna silly second name 她沒有辦法承受那個愚蠢的夫姓帶給她的痛苦

Cos true love lasts forever
And now we're back together  現在我們又在一起讓真愛延續
He might as well forget her
And walk away 他最好是忘了她然後離開
She's glad I crashed the wedding*因為她很高興我把她帶回來

*It's better than regretting
The ring she got was lame
She couldn't take the pain
She didn't wanna silly second name
Cos true love lasts forever
And now we're back together
He might aswell forget her
And walk away
She's glad I crashed the wedding*

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